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New US Customs Requirement: Postal Codes for Shipments from China Mainland

Time : 2023-12-02 Hits :1

Logistics Solutions001

Starting March 18, 2023, postal codes will be mandatory for all shipments from China Mainland to the US, as per US Customs.

What’s the new requirement for customers shipping from China Mainland to the US?

The manufacturing (MF) party, when reported as a Chinese entity, must provide a valid postal code at the time of cargo release. All new and updated manufacturer identification (MID) codes for China Mainland must include a valid postal code. *Please note, the MF party can still be the invoicing party, shipper, exporter, or manufacturer. There has been no change in this regard. The MF party is often referred to as MID.

What are the implications for UPS Brokerage customers?

If you’re importing goods into the US and the invoicing party, shipper, exporter, etc. is from China Mainland, then the invoicing party’s address on the documents must include a postal code. If you maintain a list of your shippers, suppliers, and/or vendors, ensure that a valid postal code is included for any address from China Mainland. Be aware that shipments may be delayed if the invoicing party is from China Mainland and a valid postal code is not included on the import documents.

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